Top Francis Bacon Quotes: Inspiration from a Visionary Artist

Francis Bacon 嘞,这个人是个了不起的艺术家。你看人家说话,那叫一个有道理!他有一句话特别出名:“Knowledge is power.” 啥意思呢?就是说,有了知识就有了力量,咱们做啥事都得有点真本事才行,不然光凭蛮力是不中的。咱听着这话,好像就是叫咱好好学点东西,脑袋瓜子得用起来。

还有嘞,Bacon 还说过一句:“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” 这话意思吧,差不多就是说聪明人呢,总是自己去创造机会,而不是等着机会从天上掉下来。你瞅瞅,真是有见识的人说的话,这不就是让咱别光等着好事儿找上门来嘛!咱得自己动起来,干起来,机会这东西,越干越有嘛。

Top Francis Bacon Quotes: Inspiration from a Visionary Artist

Bacon 这老头儿吧,他还挺爱画自画像的。他说过:“I’ve done a lot of self-portraits, really because people around me have been dying like flies and I’ve had nobody else left to paint but myself.” 咱听这话觉得有点伤感嘞,他说啥呢?就是说,他身边的人一个个都去世了,剩下的就是他自己了,所以他才老画自己。你想想,这日子过得多孤单呐,他只能对着镜子画自己,这心情能好得了吗?


  • 他说过 “Silence is the sleep that nourishes.” 沉默嘞,是能滋养咱心灵的,就像睡觉一样。说白了,人嘞得有点时间静静地想想事情,别老吵吵闹闹的。
  • 还说过 “The inquiry of truth, which is the love-making, or the wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature.” 这话听着挺绕,但意思吧,就是咱得去追求真理,追到了得珍惜,然后咱还得相信它才能从中得到好处。这可不是光说说的,得用心去领会呀。
  • Bacon 也说过 “The mind of an artist never sleeps.” 艺术家的脑子嘞,那是不会停下来的,总是在琢磨,总是在创作。这么说吧,艺术家,他脑子就像个不关机的机器,总得运转。

Francis Bacon 这人呐,不光是画画厉害,他说的这些话也很有道理,值得咱细细琢磨。你说他呢,是个搞艺术的,可是他这话呀,说得像个大哲学家一样,真是让人佩服。咱看着人家这么有文化,这么有见识,心里不由得也想着多学点、多看点,自己能用脑子好好想想问题。总之吧,Bacon 这些话里头嘞,有他对生活的思考,也有他对艺术的理解。

Tags:[Francis Bacon, quotes, artist quotes, wisdom, self-portraits, truth, silence, creativity]

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